Pages Directory
Here you can find all of the currently available wiki pages. Since this wiki is fairly new, there are not many tutorials available yet.
If you can't find the tutorial you're looking for, feel free to suggest a new page or check again later.
Aristois feature list - A collective list of all Aristois features including mods, commands,
hotkeys, and more.
Using Aristois with Forge modpacks - Tutorials for running Aristois along with
a Forge modpack on various launchers, and troubleshooting information for conflicting mods and other issues.
Using Aristois with Fabric modpacks - A guide for installing Aristois to a Fabric
modpack using the vanilla launcher or MultiMC.
Installing Addons and Fabric mods - Information about the Addons Marketplace and how to use
more Fabric mods with Aristois.